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John L. Nau III Center for Civil War History
John L. Nau III Center for Civil War History
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Faculty/Staff Publications
Alumni Publications
Savings and Trust: The Rise and Betrayal of the Freedman's Bank
Justene Hill Edwards
W. W. Norton (2024)
Holding the Political Center in Illinois: Conservatism and Union on the Brink of the Civil War
Ian T. Iverson
Kent State University Press (2024)
Between Extremes: Seeking the Political Center in the Civil War North
Jack Furniss
LSU Press (2024)
Conservative Americanism: Nativism, Unionism, and Slavery in Border South Politics, 1854-1861
Jesse George-Nichol
Rowman & Littlefield (2024)
Wide Awake: The Forgotten Force That Elected Lincoln and Spurred the Civil War
Jon Grinspan
Bloomsbury Publishing (2024)
Longstreet: The Confederate General Who Defied the South
Elizabeth R. Varon
Simon & Schuster (2023)
Abolitionist Civil War
Frank J. Cirillo
Louisiana State University Press (2023)
The Demands of Justice: Enslaved Women, Capital Crime, and Clemency in Early Virginia
Tamika Y. Nunley
University of North Carolina Press (2023)
True Blue: White Unionists in the Deep South during the Civil War and Reconstruction
Clayton J. Butler
Louisiana State University Press (2022)
Bloody Flag of Anarchy: Unionism in South Carolina during the Nullification Crisis
Brian C. Neumann
Louisiana State University Press (2022)
Here and Everywhere Else: Small-Town Maine and the World
Andrew Witmer
University of Massachusetts Press (2022)
The Democratic Collapse: How Gender Politics Broke a Party and a Nation, 1856-1861
Lauren N. Haumesser
University of North Carolina Press (2022)
At the Threshold of Liberty: Women, Slavery, and Shifting Identities in Washington, D.C.
Tamika Y. Nunley
University of North Carolina Press (2021)
Buying and Selling Civil War Memory in Gilded Age America
Caroline E. Janney
University of Georgia Press (2021)
Ends of War: The Unfinished Fight of Lee's Army after Appomattox
Caroline E. Janney
University of North Carolina Press (2021)
The Age of Acrimony
Jon Grinspan
Bloomsbury Publishing (2021)
Colossal Ambitions
Adrian Brettle
University of Virginia Press (2020)
Jefferson Davis, Napoleonic France, and the Nature of Confederate Ideology, 1815-1870
Jeffrey L. Zvengrowski
Louisiana State University Press (2020)
Soldiers of the Cross, the Authoritative Text
William B. Kurtz
University of Notre Dame Press (2019)
The Autobiography of Rear Admiral John A. Dahlgren
Peter Luebke
Government Publishing Office (2019)
Secession on Trial: The Treason Prosecution of Jefferson Davis
Cynthia Nicoletti
Cambridge University Press (2018)
The Calculus of Violence: How Americans Fought the Civil War
Aaron Sheehan-Dean
Harvard University Press (2018)
Frederick Douglass: America's Prophet
D. H. Dilbeck
University of North Carolina Press (2018)
Petersburg to Appomattox: The End of the War in Virginia
Caroline E. Janney
University of North Carolina Press (2018)
Embattled Freedom: Journeys through the Civil War’s Slave Refugee Camps
Amy Murrell Taylor
University of North Carolina (2018)
The Law School at the University of Virginia: Architectural Expansion in the Realm of Thomas Jefferson
Philip Herrington
University of Virginia Press (2017)
A Savage War: A Military History of the Civil War
Wayne Wei-siang Hsieh
Princeton University Press (2016)
A More Civil War: How the Union Waged a Just War
D. H. Dilbeck
University of North Carolina Press (2016)
Shantytown, USA
Lisa Goff
Harvard University Press (2016)
The Virgin Vote: How Young Americans Made Democracy Social, Politics Personal, and Voting Popular in the Nineteenth Century
Jon Grinspan
University of North Carolina Press (2016)
Northern Character: College-Educated New Englanders, Honor, Nationalism, and Leadership in the Civil War Era
Kanisorn Wongsrichanalai
Fordham University Press (2016)
An Agrarian Republic
Adam W. Dean
University of North Carolina Press (2015)
Cold Harbor to the Crater: The End of the Overland Campaign
Caroline E. Janney
University of North Carolina Press (2015)
The Business of Slavery and the Rise of American Capitalism, 1815-1860
Calvin Schermerhorn
Yale University Press (2015)
Seeds of Empire: Cotton, Slavery, and the Transformation of the Texas Borderlands, 1800-1850
Andrew J. Torget
University of North Carolina Press (2015)
Excommunicated from the Union: How the Civil War Created a Separate Catholic America
William B. Kurtz
Fordham University Press (2015)
Between Sovereignty and Anarchy: The Politics of Violence in the American Revolutionary Era
Brian D. Schoen
University of Virginia Press (2015)
So Conceived and So Dedicated: Northern Intellectuals in the Civil War Era
Kanisorn Wongsrichanalai
Fordham University Press (2015)
A Companion to the U.S. Civil War
Aaron Sheehan-Dean
Wiley-Blackwell (2014)
The Civil War: The Final Year Told by Those Who Lived It
Aaron Sheehan-Dean
The Library of America (2014)
Claiming the Union: Citizenship in the Post-Civil War South
Susanna Michele Lee
Cambridge University Press (2014)
Across the Bloody Chasm: The Culture of Commemoration among Civil War Veterans
M. Keith Harris
Louisiana State University Press (2014)
To Live and Die in Dixie: Native Northerners Who Fought For the Confederacy
David Ross Zimring
University of Tennessee Press (2014)
Confederate Slave Impressment in the Upper South
Jaime Martinez
University of North Carolina Press (2013)
Nature’s Civil War: Common Soldiers and the Environment in 1862 Virginia
Kathryn Shively Meier
University of North Carolina Press (2013)
Remembering the Civil War: Reunion and the Limits of Reconciliation
Caroline E. Janney
University of North Carolina Press (2013)
Washington Brotherhood: Politics, Social Life, and the Coming of the Civil War
Rachel Shelden
University of North Carolina Press (2013)
A Political Nation: New Directions in Mid-Nineteenth-Century American Political History
Rachel Shelden
University of Virginia Press (2012)
The Revolution of 1861
Andre Fleche
University of North Carolina Press (2012)
Rambles of a Runaway from Southern Slavery
Calvin Schermerhorn
University of Virginia Press (2012)
Cultivating Race: The Expansion of Slavery in Georgia, 1750-1860
Watson W. Jennison
University Press of Kentucky (2012)
The Civil War: The First Year Told by Those Who Lived It
Aaron Sheehan-Dean
The Library of America (2011)
Money over Mastery, Family over Freedom: Slavery in the Antebellum
Calvin Schermerhorn
Johns Hopkins University Press (2011)
The Old South’s Modern Worlds: Slavery, Religion, and Nation in the Age of Progress
Brian D. Schoen
Oxford University Press (2011)
The Story of a Thousand: A History of the 105th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Peter Luebke
Kent State University Press (2011)
A Slaveholders’ Union: Slavery, Politics, and the Constitution in the Early Republic
George W. Van Cleve
University of Chicago Press (2010)
West Pointers and the Civil War: The Old Army in War and Peace
Wayne Wei-siang Hsieh
University of North Carolina Press (2009)
The Fragile Fabric of Union: Cotton, Federal Politics, and the Global Origins of the Civil War
Brian D. Schoen
Johns Hopkins University Press (2009)
Burying the Dead but Not the Past: Ladies' Memorial Associations and the Lost Cause
Caroline E. Janney
University of North Carolina Press (2008)
Concise Historical Atlas of the U.S. Civil War
Aaron Sheehan-Dean
Oxford University Press (2008)
The View From the Ground: Experiences of Civil War Soldiers
Aaron Sheehan-Dean
University Press of Kentucky (2007)
Why Confederates Fought: Family and Nation in Civil War Virginia
Aaron Sheehan-Dean
University of North Carolina Press (2007)
Crucible of the Civil War: Virginia from Secession to Commemoration
Andrew J. Torget
University of Virginia Press (2006)
Struggle for a Vast Future: The American Civil War
Aaron Sheehan-Dean
Osprey (2006)
The Divided Family in Civil War America
Amy Murrell Taylor
University of North Carolina Press (2005)
The Rebellious Slave: Nat Turner in American Memory
Scot A. French
Houghton Mifflin (2004)