Brian C. Neumann
He graduated from Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina, and received his PhD from the University of Virginia in 2020. His work has appeared in The South Carolina Historical Magazine, Southern Studies, the Journal of Slavery and Data Preservation, and Protest in the Long Eighteenth Century. His first book, Bloody Flag of Anarchy: Unionism in South Carolina during the Nullification Crisis, was published by LSU Press in 2022.
He is deeply committed to public history, and he worked as an editorial assistant on the Nau Civil War Center's "UVA Unionists" and "Black Virginians in Blue" digital projects. As a graduate student, he was an editorial assistant for Encyclopedia Virginia and a research assistant for the "Jefferson's University: The Early Life" project. He also served as the lead researcher for Furman's "50th Anniversary Desegregation Commemoration Committee" and was the only graduate student appointed to the "President's Commission on the University in the Age of Segregation." He has given presentations at Furman, the College of Charleston, Manassas National Battlefield Park, the Upcountry History Museum, and the Virginia Museum of History and Culture.
You can reach him by email at