Doctoral Students/Dissertation Titles
J. Jacob Calhoun, "Reconstruction through Rifles: The Role of Violence in Black Americans’ Fight for Liberty in the Postemancipation Era"
Brianna Frakes, "No Safety for Union Men: Norfolk during Virginia’s Civil War and Reconstruction, 1860-1866"
Jesse George-Nichol, "Nativism and Conciliation: Border South Unionists and the Road to Civil War”
Ian Iverson, "Moderate Men and Conservative Influences: Illinois and the Politics of Union, 1854-1861"
Stefan Lund, "Unfit to Print: The Practice of Press Censorship during the American Civil War"
Daniel W. Sunshine, "Crucible of Union: Slavery and Democracy in the Founding of West Virginia"
Clayton J. Butler, "True Blue: White Unionists in the Deep South during the Civil War and Reconstruction, 1860-1880"
Brian C. Neumann, “Last Hope of Liberty: Unionism and Nullification in South Carolina, 1828-1836"
Jack Furniss, "States of the Union: The Rise and Fall of the Political Center in the Civil War North"
Lauren N. Haumesser, "Party of Patriarchy: Democratic Gender Politics and the Coming of the Civil War"
Frank Cirillo, "The Day of Sainthood Has Passed: Abolitionists and the Golden Moment of the Civil War"
Tamika Richeson, “Crimes of Discontent: The Contours of Black Women’s Law Breaking in Civil War Era Washington, D.C., 1830-1865”
Jeffrey L. Zvengrowski, “Jefferson Davis and Francophile American Nationalists in the Confederate States of America, 1860-1871”
Adrian Brettle, “‘The Fortunes of War’: Confederate Expansionist Ambitions during the American Civil War”
Michael T. Caires, “The Greenback Union: The Law and Politics of Money and Banks in the Civil War Era”
D. H. Dilbeck, “War in Earnest: Just War Theory and Union Military Policy in the American Civil War”
Peter H. Luebke, “Shattering the Slave Power: Northern Soldiers Interpret Their Civil War”
Jon Grinspan, “The Virgin Vote: Young Americans in the Age of Popular Politics”
Sean Nalty, “We are Going to Destruction as Fast as We Can: Slavery, the Rule of Law, and the Constitutional Union Party, 1849-1861”
Clark Scott Nesbit, Jr., “The Irony of Emancipation in the Civil War South”
Erik Alexander, “A Revival of the Old Organization": Northern Democrats and Reconstruction, 1868-1876”
Philip Herrington, “The Exceptional Plantation: Slavery, Agricultural Reform, and the Creation of an American Landscape”
William Burton Kurtz, “Roman-Catholic Americans in the North and Border States during the Era of the American Civil War”
M. Keith Harris, “Across the Bloody Chasm: Reconciliation in the Wake of Civil War”
Rachel A. Shelden, “Washington Brotherhood: Friendship, Politics, and the Coming of the Civil War”
David R. Zimring, “Crossing the Line: Northerners Who Supported and Fought in the Confederate Armies”
Adam W. Dean, “An Agrarian Republic: How Conflict Over Land Use Shaped the Civil War and Reconstruction”
Lisa Goff, “Shantytowns in the United States, 1820-1890”
Kathryn Shively Meier, “‘This Is No Place for the Sick’: Nature’s War on Civil War Soldier Health in 1862 Virginia”
Cynthia L. Nicoletti, “The Great Question of the War: The Legal Status of Secession in the Aftermath of the American Civil War, 1865-1869”
Kanisorn Wongsrichanalai, “The Burden of Their Class: College-Educated New Englanders in the Civil War Era”
Andrew Torget, “Cotton Empire: Slavery and the Texas Borderlands, 1820-1837”
Jaime Amanda Martinez, “For the Defense of the State: Slave Impressment in Confederate Virginia and North Carolina”
Katherine Anna Pierce, “Networks of Disunion: Politics, Print Culture, and the Coming of the Civil War”
Calvin Jack Schermerhorn, “Against All Odds: Slavery and Enslaved Families in the Making of the Antebellum Chesapeake”
Matthew Aaron Speiser, “Seeking the Roots of the Lost Cause: The Continuity of Regional Celebration in the White South, 1850-1872”
George W. Van Cleve, “A Slaveholders Union: The Law and Politics of American Slavery, 1770-1821”
Andrew D. Witmer, “God’s Interpreters: Protestant Missionaries, African Converts and Conceptions of Race in the United States, 1830-1910”
Andre M. Fleche, “The Revolution of 1861: The Legacy of the European Revolutions of 1848 and the American Civil War”
Caroline E. Janney, “If Not for the Ladies: Ladies' Memorial Associations and the Making of the Lost Cause”
Watson Woodson Jennison, III, “Cultivating Race: Slavery and Expansion in Georgia,1750-1860”
Susanna Michele Lee, “Claiming the Union: Stories of Loyalty in the Post-Civil War South”
Amy R. Minton, “A Culture of Respectability: Southerners and Social Relations in Richmond, Virginia, 1820-1865”
Wayne Wei-siang Hsieh, “The Old Army in Peace and War: West Pointers and the Civil War Era, 1814-1865”
Brian Dale Schoen, “The Fragile Fabric of Union: The Cotton South, Federal Politics, and the Atlantic World, 1783-1861”
Aaron Sheehan-Dean, “The Family War: Motivation and Commitment in the American Civil War”
Amy Murrell Taylor, “The Divided Family in Civil War America, 1860-1870”
Sarah Nelson Roth, “Rebels and Martyrs: The Debate over Slavery in American Popular Culture, 1822-1865”
Scot Andrew French, “Remembering Nat Turner: The Rebellious Slave in American Thought, 1831 to the Present”
Phillip Davis Troutman, “Slave Trade and Sentiment in Antebellum Virginia”