Wednesday, May 5, 2021
Thank you to everyone who attended the launch of our second digital project, UVA Unionists.This project is dedicated to telling the story of the 63 UVA students and 5 University instructors or professors who served in the Union army, navy, or state militias during the American Civil War. In addition, 3 UVA alumni served in the House of Representatives during the war. Other UVA students and alumni supported the Union cause without serving in the military or in national politics.
If you were unable to attend we have recorded last night's presentation for you to view for free online: May 4, 2021 UVA Unionist Launch Event on YouTube
Our project website is now live and can be accessed by going to
If this is your first visit to the site, we recommend reading our two overview essays to get a better understanding of the project's scope and findings (during the war and after the war).
Then feel free to explore the site via our searchable database, interactive digital maps, contextual essays, and primary source documents.