Video of Our 2019 Signature Conference is Now Online

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Nau Center for Civil War History’s 2019 Signature Conference, "Theaters of War," took place at UVA’s Small Special Collections Library on Friday, March 29, 2019. Our conference lineup included historians Gary W. Gallagher, Stephen Cushman, Christopher Phillips, Tamika Nunley, and William Kurtz. UVA historians Elizabeth Varon and Caroline Janney moderated a round table discussion at the end of our conference.

Thanks to CSPAN's American History TV you can now watch the entire conference for free online. All five talks and our concluding discussion are linked below.

Gary W. Gallagher, University of Virginia, Emeritus, “Central and Peripheral: Assessing the Importance of Theaters during the Civil War”

Tamika Nunley, Oberlin College, “‘I wore the uniform of those men in Blue’: Making the Case for African American Enlistment”

Stephen Cushman, University of Virginia, “Mark Twain’s Mississippi Theater”

William B. Kurtz, University of Virginia, “General Rosecrans’s Wars: Infighting in the Union High Command”

Christopher Phillips, University of Cincinnati, “The Western Way of War”

Roundtable, “Do Theaters Matter?”, Moderators Elizabeth R. Varon and Caroline E. Janney, University of Virginia